Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services (MTES) provides official and professional translation services in all languages to English and from English to other languages.
Our Services include but not limited to the followings:
MTES Provides the following Translation:
Translation of various documents such as Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate, High School and University Diploma, High School and University Transcript, Driver’s License, Medical Documents, Bank Statements, Statement of Will, Trust and many other documents, for the purpose of using in Schools, Universities, Immigration, Courts, Hospitals, and other public and private organization.
We Translate Texts in Over 60 Languages
Software and Website Localization:
We translate all websites, including e-Commerce portals, web applications, corporate sites and more, while maintaining the integrity of the website for the purpose of focus on the targeted audience/market in the new locale.
Our team at Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services provides localization of documents in other languages, and state-of-the-art multilingual graphics and publishing software. We will deliver to our clients a professional job, no matter what language we work with.
Desktop Publishing
Our Multilingual Desktop Publishing services provide accurate and well-defined language translations in almost any desktop publishing format in all major languages of the world.
We translate your Brochure, Catalogue, or Manuals, which need to be translated into another language.
We translate your English file in any desktop publishing format and we will return to you the multilingual version completely formatted in your target language.
We prepare and replace your English text including all graphics with the foreign language text, and will maintain the same layout and graphics.
We ensure that your layout is consistent in every language, matching fonts, colors, point size and the overall appearance of your original.
We perform professional work with Quark, In-Design, Illustrator, Photoshop, Frame Maker, PageMaker, PowerPoint, MS Word, Excel, Mac or PC.
Contact us If you need translation of any Language!
Various Types of Translation:
Administrative Documents For Universities, and Schools.
Commercial Documents For Business, and Public Needs.
Computer Documents For Software, Manuals, Brochure, etc.
Economic Documents For Economic Words and Terminology.
Financial Documents For Financial/ Banking Documents.
General Documents For Any General Purpose Documents.
Legal Documents For Court, Immigration, and Attorneys.
Literary Documents For any Novels, Poems, Plays, etc.
Medical Documents For Hospital, Doctors, Court, etc.
Technical Documents For Engineering and Manufacturing.
Hand Written/ Old Documents For Research, and Personal Needs.
We Provide:
Translation services in all languages to and from English.
Translation of Foreign Educational Credentials.
Translation of Foreign Work Experience Credentials.
Translation of Professional and Technical Credentials.
Translation of Vocational and Technical Schools Certification.
Translation of Elementary and Middle School Education.
Translation of High School Diploma and Transcripts.
Translation of Pre-University Diploma and Transcripts.
Translation of Associate Degree Diploma and Transcripts.
Translation of Bachelor’s Degree Diploma and Transcripts.
Translation of Master’s Degree Diploma and Transcripts.
Translation of Doctoral Degree Diploma and Transcripts.
Translation of any Other Documents as you need.
Our Services are Characterized With:
Official and Notarized Translation
Fast and On time Delivery
Complete Confidentiality
Language Variations
We at MTES:
We use professional human translators to provide document translation services in many languages.
We carefully select our translators for your text with the appropriate subject matter expertise and background.
We provide you with the highest quality translations at competitive price.
We stand by our translation and we provide a unique and quality guarantee.
We will work with you and your team to deliver an accurate translation.
Our translation is official and is acceptable by Court, Immigration, Universities, and many other governmental and private organizations.
We provide estimation free of charge
Our Projects Are Accurate, On Time and Within Budget
Contact Info:
Phone: (703) 444-4343
Fax: (703) 444-4124
Email: mbijani@usa-translation.com
Email: mbijani@usa-studying.com
Email: mbijani@LCGUSA.org
LCG stands for: Leeda Consulting Group.
MTES stands for: Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services.
INA-HEFS stands for: Institute of National American Higher Education for Foreign Students.
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