Wedding Shop:
By Wedding Shop we mean, you let us know what you need and we will provide it for you. We are able to recommend or provide you with selected items that are absolutely necessary for your wedding. These can be recommended items that bring you with better price (Saving), or top of a line brand product.
List of Some Wedding shop Items:
By Wedding Shop we mean, you let us know what you need and we will provide it for you. We are able to recommend or provide you with selected items that are absolutely necessary for your wedding. These can be recommended items that bring you with better price (Saving), or top of a line brand product.
1. Preparing Bride’s Wish list
2. Designer Wedding Dress with Color Option
3. Bridal Dresses with Color Option
4. Wedding Tuxedos
5. Best Friends’ Dresses
6. Bridesmaids Dresses
7. Bridal Gown
8. Bride and Groom’s Shoes Selection
9. Bride and Groom’s Accessories Selection
10. Gifts and Decor Shopping
11. Bridal jewelry
12. Bride and Groom’s Wedding Ring selection
13. Memorable Wedding Certificate
14. Memorable Religious Wedding Certificate
15. Echoic wedding Book Signing
16. Deed of Wedding
17. And Many More
In Consideration of your Marriage Event:
We understand that Marriage Ceremony is a very big task.
Please keep in mind that, we are able to assist you and take some of the burden out of your shoulder, therefore, we are suggesting to obtain a full service for your Marriage ceremony through us.
In fact we are able to provide you everything from A to Z for your Marriage.
We are one stop shop Wedding Service Provider:
Our Projects Are Accurate, On Time and Within Budget
Contact Info:
Phone: (703) 444-4343
Fax: (703) 444-4124
Email: mbijani@usa-translation.com
Email: mbijani@usa-studying.com
Email: mbijani@LCGUSA.org
LCG stands for: Leeda Consulting Group.
MTES stands for: Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services.
INA-HEFS stands for: Institute of National American Higher Education for Foreign Students.
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