Obtaining Iranian Identification Documents:
If you do not have Iran Identification Documents, or you have lost your Iran Identification Documents or your Iran Identification Documents are expired, we can help you to possess them.
If a couple want to register their Iranian Marriage or Divorce in their Birth Certificate booklet or with Iran Interest Section in Washington D.C., and they are missing one or all of the necessary documents, we are able to help them to renew, validate or update, and obtain their Iranian Identifications. We will be able to help you for obtaining the above documents.
Our Office can help you for the following Services
The list of Some Services and Supports are as follow:
Registration of marriage (Iranian husband and wife)
Registration of marriage (Iranian husband and foreign wife)
Registration of marriage (Foreign husband and Iranian wife)
Registration of divorce
Verification of divorce documents
Unmarried Verification
To Purchase Military Service
No-Income or Unmarried Verification
Verification of Iranian B.C., Passport and National ID
Military Exemption through medical issue
Not Collected Iran Retirement Benefit
Registration and Issuance of Child’s BC
Changes to First Name
Changes to Last Name
Adopting a child from the Islamic Republic of Iran
Other Services- Please Call
ثبت ازدواج بين مرد و زن ايرانی
ثبت ازدواج بين مرد ايرانی و زن خارجی
ثبت ازدواج بين مرد خارجی و زن ايرانی
ثبت طلاق
تأييد سند طلاق آمريکايی
تأييد گواهی تجرد
خرید سربازی
تأييد گواهی تجرد یا عدم اشتغال به کار
تأييد کپی شناسنامه – گذرنامه وکارت ملی
تأييد مدارک جهت اخذ معافیت پزشکی
عدم دریافت حقوق بازنشستگی یا مستمری از ایران
ثبت وصدور شناسنامه فرزند
تعویض نام
تعویض نام خانوادگی
شرایط مربوط به فرزند خواندگی
سایر خدمات مورد نیاز
Required Iranian Identification Documents:
We are able to updates all of your lost or expired Iranian Documents.
Some of these Identifications are as follow:
Lost or Expired Iranian Birth Certificate
Lost or Expired Iranian National ID Card
Lost or Expired Iranian Passport
Lost Iranian Marriage Certificate
Lost Iranian Divorce Certificate
Lost Iranian Elementary or High School Education Certificate
Lost Iranian College level Education Diploma and Transcript
Lost Iranian University level Education Diploma and Transcript
Lost Iranian Doctoral Degree Education Diploma and Transcript
Lost Deed of Land or Building
Any Other Missing Documents
List of Iranian Identifications:
Iranian Valid Birth Certificate
Iranian Valid National ID Card
Iranian Valid Passport
Iranian Valid Marriage Certificate
Iranian Valid Divorce Certificate
Iranian Valid Death Certificate
And other Documents
Iran Power of Attorney:
Iranian who are residing out of Iran, such as living in USA, sometimes need to complete some legal works inside of the Iran. If they are not able to travel to Iran, they have to give a Power of Attorney to their trusted person in Iran.
Obtaining a valid and acceptable Power of Attorney by itself is a time consuming and challenging, since you have to register online, and obtain a Pass code. We are able to assist you to obtain your Pass Code pain free, and helping you to write the text of your Power of Attorney.
Then you are able to submit your Pass Code to the Iran Interest Section in order to sign your Power of Attorney for the purpose you intended.
The list of Power Of Attorney are as follow:
Verification of Power of Attorney (No Buy/Sell))
Verification of Power of Attorney for Birth Certificate
Verification of Power of Attorney to Cancel a Power of Attorney
Verification of Power of Attorney to Open a Bank Account in Iran
Verification of Power of Attorney(Immovable Items)
Proof of Parentage
Verification of Power of Attorney (Retirement)
Verification of Power of Attorney (General)
Verification of Power of Attorney (Marriage)
Verification of Power of Attorney (Divorce)
Verification of Power of Attorney (Divorce)
Verification of Power of Attorney (Probate)
Verification of Power of Attorney (Military Exemption)
Verification of Power of Attorney(Immovable Items)
Verification of Power of Attorney(General)
Verification of Power of Attorney (Guardian Military Service Exemption)
Iran Police Clearance
Iran Police Clearance for non-Iranian
Other Services- Please Ca
تأييد وکالتنامه حقوقی بدون خرید وفروش
تأييد وکالتنامه جهت دریافت تعویض شناسنامه والمثنی شناسنامه
تأييد وکالتنامه جهت عزل وکیل
تأييد وکالتنامه جهت افتتاح حساب بانکی در ایران
وکالتنامه خرید اموال غیر منقول
وکالتنامه اثبات نسب
تأييد وکالتنامه حقوق بازنشستگی
تأييد وکالتنامه (عمومی)
تأييد وکالتنامه (ازدواج)
تأييد وکالتنامه (طلاق) – مرد
تأييد وکالتنامه (طلاق) – زن
تأييد وکالتنامه (انحصار وراثت)
وکالتنامه (سربازی)
وکالتنامه فروش اموال غیر منقول
وکالتنامه کلی وکاری
معافی کفالت (سربازی)
عدم سوء پيشينه
عدم سوء پيشينه برای غیر ایرانی
سایر خدمات مورد نیاز
Registering Your Iranian Marriage in Iran Interest Section:
When a couple performed their Iranian Marriage, the next step is to register their marriage with Iran Interest Section in Washington, D.C.
In fact, this registration allow them to enter each other’s name into their Iranian Birth Certificate which will be the prove of their marriage.
If in the case and for some reason you are unable to spend the time to register your marriage with Iran Interest Section, we are gladly will do that for you and the fee for this service will be separate from the fee of the marriage.
Registering Your Iran Marriage if one Party is Not Iranian:
1. When a couple performed their Iranian Marriage, the next step is to register their marriage with Iran Interest Section in Washington, D.C.
2. If both parties are Iranian, we will help them to register their Iran Marriage into their Birth Certificate
3. If the husband is Iranian, but the wife is not Iranian, then we will help the wife to obtain Iranian Identifications and then registering their marriage.
4. If the husband is not Iranian, but the wife is Iranian, then we will help the wife to register their marriage into her Birth Certificate and Passport.
Registering Your Iranian Divorce in Iran Interest Section:
When a couple performed their Iranian Divorce, the next step is to register their divorce with Iran Interest Section in Washington, D.C.
In fact, this registration allow them to register their official divorce into their Birth certificate which will be the prove of their divorce.
If in the case and for some reason you are unable to spend the time to register your divorce with Iran Interest Section, we are gladly will do that for you.
Registering Iranian Death in Iran Interest Section:
If someone passed away in the United States, his or her Death Certificate should be validated and registered in Iran Interest Section in Washington D.C. in order to present it to Iran State Department or any other Department for the purpose of Inheritance Verification.
We will help you for any steps in this matter.
Submitting Your Request to Iran Interest Section:
We can go to the Iran Interest Section in Washington D.C. For you and submit your package to them for processing.
Or we can accompany you to Iran Interest Section in Washington D.C. to complete your desire request.
Other Services with Iran Interest Section:
Please contact us if you have any question or request, that is not mentioned here, and we might be able to help you.
We provide estimation free of charge
Our Projects Are Accurate, On Time and Within Budget
Contact Info:
Phone: (703) 444-4343
Fax: (703) 444-4124
Email: mbijani@usa-translation.com
Email: mbijani@usa-studying.com
Email: mbijani@LCGUSA.org
LCG stands for: Leeda Consulting Group.
MTES stands for: Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services.
INA-HEFS stands for: Institute of National American Higher Education for Foreign Students.
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