Prenuptial Agreement:
A Prenuptial agreement refers to a contract and agreement between the two couples before they marry. In this agreement they decide about their ownership of their respective assets, if in the case and in future their marriage breaks up.
The couples have to have a valid reason for their Prenuptial Agreement.
It is important to understand that all concerns and problems cannot be part of your Prenuptial Agreement.
Since Mr. Bijani and his firms are not attorney and or law firm, therefore, if we write or suggest any Prenuptial Agreement, it is the clients’ responsibility to consult with friends, family and his or her attorney, in order to have a peace of mind, and be sure about the accuracy of the content.
It is important to note that Mr. Michael Bijani and his firms are not the attorney and cannot practice the law. Therefore they cannot provide any legal representation and legal advice. In fact, your selected attorney at law will provide all the legal matters and legal advises. Mr. Bijani and its firms can help you to find an attorney, and it will be your decision to choose our referred attorney.
Please contact us for more detail.
Translation and Explanation of Your Prenuptial Agreement:
If there is a language barrier problem, or there is a need for translation and explanation of your Prenuptial Agreement, we will be glad to read and explain/ translate the content of your Prenuptial Agreement.
We also translate your Prenuptial Agreement to English Language or to the language of your choice.
Contact Info:
Phone: (703) 444-4343
Fax: (703) 444-4124
Email: mbijani@usa-translation.com
Email: mbijani@usa-studying.com
Email: mbijani@LCGUSA.org
LCG stands for: Leeda Consulting Group.
MTES stands for: Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services.
INA-HEFS stands for: Institute of National American Higher Education for Foreign Students.
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