What is a Courtship:
Courtship refers to a relationship between a man and a woman in order to determine if they are compatible to marry with each other in near future.
In this relationship the parents or older and respected members of the family have the role of introducing and developing a deep friendship between the two that could lead to marriage.
Michael Bijani’s role is like the same as Grand Pa, older and vise member of the parties that try to bring this relationship and consequently the marriage between these two parties.
Courtship as a Traditional Way to Find your Partner:
The traditional and cultural wedding of some countries will allow the parents and older members of the family arrange the initial meeting or visitation of other party to introduce the groom and his family to the Bride and her family and/ or vice versa. This is a case in rural areas as well as big cities to engage the families for selection of the groom or brides. Modern couples however, choose their own mate but their parents and older members of the family’ consent is very important and is considered by both sides.
After the families’ initial meeting, and positive recommendation of the parents and the family, the couple and the families all together, will formally announce the engagement. Also it is normally the groom’s parents or other relatives who take the initiative and formally ask for the bride and her family’s consent. Once this is done then the marriage will be announced.
Our Courtship Services:
It is important to know that with the agreed fee as a part of our contract, we only introduce you maximum of three people, subject to case by case situation. If you and the other party do not accept each other after speaking or emailing, for whatever reason, our work is completed, fees earned, and we are not obligated to introduce fourth person under this contract and fee structure.
Although if you and the other person (for first, second or third attempts) agrees to continue your relationship to better understand each other prior to commitment, in this case our work is completed and we do not need to search for another person and the file will be considered completed and closed.
Immigration Matter:
If your marriage require Immigration involvement, please be advised that immigration fees are separate and Immigration matters must be handled by the immigration attorney of your choice or our suggested attorney.
The Immigration attorney will direct you with the necessary information and he/she will have separate Retainer Agreement with you and your partner.
Please note that we are not a law firm and Michael Bijani is not an attorney and we cannot provide any legal representation. In order for you to receive any legal advice and/ or representation, you will need to consult your own trusted attorney.
It is important to know that Immigration Matter is not part of our Courtship Agreement. In fact Immigration Matter will be between the parties and their selected Attorney.
Our Role in this Courtship Process:
We are usually asked by one of the family members either from Bride side or from the Groom side to assist them in finding a right person based on the traditional and cultural values of their country. It is important to understand that we will accept this task without any influence to either parties for engagement. The decision to marry or not will be solely between the parties without involvement or recommendation from us. It is also important to understand that we are not encouraging neither parties to make a favorite or un-favorite decision. We only introducing the parties to each other and it is their wish, desire, and decision to continue their relationship toward forming a family union or to understand that there is no compatibility between them.
Who we are in this Courtship Process?
Please note that we are not a Match Making Service Company and we are not providing a wide variety of choice for applicants. What we do is we try to examine the cultural, traditional habits, and values of the people and the countries in order to facilitate them to make the decision for themselves without involvement of outside influences. Actually our role is similar to Grand Pa or Grand Ma in the family. No matter what, at the end, the parties are the decision makers to select or not to select the other party.
Who Makes the Decision?
It is important to understand that we do not encourage neither parties to make a certain decision. We only introduce the parties to each other and it is their decision to continue this relationship with each other or not.
Finding Partner:
Please note that we find your partners regardless to their Race, Nationality, Religion, Language, and Country of Origin, etc. In another word we do not discriminate based on the above mentioned factors. However it is important to remember that only Applicant and Partner will select each other and they have complete freedom of choice of selecting their partner.
In another word, we do not select, push or recommend your partner to select.
We provide estimation free of charge
Our Projects Are Accurate, On Time and Within Budget
Contact Info:
Phone: (703) 444-4343
Fax: (703) 444-4124
Email: mbijani@usa-translation.com
Email: mbijani@usa-studying.com
Email: mbijani@LCGUSA.org
LCG stands for: Leeda Consulting Group.
MTES stands for: Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services.
INA-HEFS stands for: Institute of National American Higher Education for Foreign Students.
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