Marriage Consultation:
You may remember that when your Civil Celebrant was performing your marriage, He or she was saying the words such as:
“The true concept of marriage is the true love between a man and a woman. This relationship between husband and wife is the most binding of all earthy ties. The man and woman envision marriage as an undying devotion and fullest attention as they journey this path through the life together as a couple”.
However, sometimes the couple will face some problems in their relationship such as:
1. Communication Problems
2. Financial Problems
3. Lack of Respect
4. Affairs Factor
5. Problem with In Laws
6. Problem in Sex Life
7. Cold Relationship
8. Differences Factor
9. Lack of Love
10. Constantly Argue
11. OK Vocabulary
12. Feeling for Separation
13. Marriage as a sacrifice
14. Other Ongoing Issues
When couples encounter problems, there are ways to alter the relationship and save the family structure. We believe that couples must receive supports and save their marriage through Consultation and Mediation.
Since we are not attorney, or a law firm, we use our Education, Mediation, and Life Experience Power to provide you with limited consultation and advices before and after your marriage.
Please contact us for the detail.
It is important to note that Mr. Michael Bijani and his firms are not attorney, law Firm, and cannot practice the law. Therefore they cannot provide any legal representation and legal advice. In fact, your selected attorney at law will provide all the legal matters and legal advises. Mr. Bijani and his firms can help you to find an attorney, and it will be your decision to choose our referred attorney.
Contact Info:
Phone: (703) 444-4343
Fax: (703) 444-4124
Email: mbijani@usa-translation.com
Email: mbijani@usa-studying.com
Email: mbijani@LCGUSA.org
LCG stands for: Leeda Consulting Group.
MTES stands for: Multi-Linguistic Translation and Evaluation Services.
INA-HEFS stands for: Institute of National American Higher Education for Foreign Students.
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